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Will Software able to tell whether your smile is real or fake - Easiest Tech

Researchers at the University of Bradford in Britain have developed a computer software that can choose from thousands of artificial laughs, a true laugh. According to researchers, the true smile of a man is hidden in his eyes. And they have used this matter.

According to experts, it will be easier to treat mental patients.

In future, good relations between machines and humans will develop in the field of biometric identification. Professor Hasan of the university says, "One of the most important expressions in the facial expressions is laughter. This smile is a positive expression.

But for so long, it was a challenge to distinguish genuine and artificial laughter. Now with technology on hand it is possible to understand the difference. "
This software first watches a video by a human face. Where variations in his lips, cheeks and eyes are well noticed. Then we see how these parts are cooperating in a time of laughter.

Then in each clip of the video, the expression of the person is shown whether his smile is real or artificial. The eyes play the biggest role in this process.
Researchers point out that every video clip is well-noticed. When someone smiles from his mind, his muscles are at least 3 times more active. In fake laughter, sometimes the muscles around the lips are more active. The role of the eye is less there. While the software will be used by ordinary people, it has not yet been clarified.

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